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Adult Treatment

What to Expect at the First Visit


There will be NO CHARGE for the first visit.


Prior to the appointment you will be asked to complete some forms including a medical and dental history for the patient and contact and insurance information.


Dr. Driscoll will review the medical and dental history with you and ask you about the concerns that have caused you to seek an orthodontic examination.


The examination is very quick and easy.  Dr. Driscoll will look in your mouth to see how your teeth are aligned and how they fit together.  She will do a periodontal examination to look for areas of recession of the gum tissue and probe to look for pockets and areas of inflammation.  In order to be a candidate for orthodontic treatment the mouth must be stable and healthy.  She will also examine your TMJ (temporomandibular joint) to look for signs of clicking, popping, pain or limited range of motion. Finally she will look at your smile, tooth to lip relationship and profile.


If Dr. Driscoll determines that you can benefit from treatment and that now is the appropriate time for treatment, she will give you a brief, general idea of the type of treatment needed and she will have the office manager provide a fee estimate and an explanation of payment options.  To be eligible for certain payment options, you will need to provide credit information.  Before any treatment is rendered, you will be scheduled to return for diagnostic records and a consultation.  At that consultation visit, Dr. Driscoll will go into more detail regarding the treatment and be able to answer all of your questions.



What to Expect at the Diagnostic Records Visit


Diagnostic records include molds of the teeth, photographs, a cephalogram (x-ray of showing the side of the head), and a panoramic x-ray (if not already taken on the day of the initial exam).  Dr. Driscoll may also request copies of your last full mouth series from your dentist.  On the day records are taken, the doctor is looking exclusively at the quality of the records to make sure they are adequate and will not be able to answer any questions regarding the treatment.   You will then schedule an appointment to return for a consultation.



What to Expect at the Consultation Visit


Prior to your consultation, Dr. Driscoll will perform a thorough analysis of the diagnostic records and develop a detailed treatment plan.  At the consultation, you will be able to see the digital models of the teeth and the photographs so you can gain a better understanding of the problems.   Dr. Driscoll will provide you with a written summary of the orthodontic problems, objectives for treatment, the plan of treatment, and any limitations that could affect the result.  She will explain the treatment, the time line, and what you can expect in terms of discomfort.  She will then cover the risks of orthodontic treatment and answer questions.  


Once Dr. Driscoll has explained the treatment and answered your questions, the office manager will go over the financial arrangements with you and schedule the appointments to begin treatment.

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